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Basic Suggestions for Newcomers


1. Find an NA meeting and start attending it as soon as possible. If you are in a treatment facility, attend a meeting the day you leave. Look at the schedule ahead of time. Know where you will go. 


Read this information pamphlet, which describes how NA meetings operate:  An Introduction to Narcotics Anonymous Meetings


You may also want to become familiar with the group readings used at NA meetings. Click on the following links:



2. Attending at least one meeting every day for the first 90 days of recovery (doing”90 in 90″) is a very good idea. It will help you to stay clean and develop healthy recovery practices early.


3. Arrive at meetings early to talk to other recovering addicts, and stay after the meeting to talk to other recovering addicts.


4. Find a home group to attend regularly and build a foundation of support in your recovery.


5. Read some NA literature every day. Start by reading the following information pamphlets and other items. Copies are available for free at most meetings, or you can click on the links below:



Also, get a copy of our “Basic Text, Narcotics Anonymous” and read it.


6. At meetings, get lists of phone numbers of addicts of the same sex and call those people on the lists.


7. Pray the Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Just for today.”


8. Look for a sponsor as soon as you become acquainted with the members in your area. Follow his or her suggestions and start working steps. To learn more about sponsorship, read the following information pamphlet:  Sponsorship, Revised


9. DON’T PICK UP THAT FIRST DRUG! DON’T USE no matter what happens! You NEVER have to use again!


10. Stay away from people, places and things from the days when you used drugs.


11. Easy Does it! Remember, you don’t have to accomplish it all today. Most of us used for a long time and we can’t expect to recover overnight. Keep your life simple and use your support systems. This will build a strong foundation for your recovery.


12. Most importantly, KEEP COMING BACK!

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